Volunteer Opportunities

Open Executive Board Opportunities

Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall:

a. file all official letters and correspondence of the MGA PTA;

b. maintain a current membership list;

c. perform such other duties as prescribed by these bylaws, assigned by this PTA, or board of directors; and

d. assume the responsibilities of the Recording Secretary in the event of her/his absence or inability to serve.

If you are interested in filling the Corresponding Secretary or VP Position, please send a 200 word candidate statement to nominationcommittee@mgapta.org.

Open Committee & Committee Chair Positions:

Volunteer Coordinator

Assists the PTA in recruiting, managing, and engaging volunteers in events and initiatives. The volunteer coordinator helps track the PTA's volunteers and hours contributed.


Locates grant opportunity and oversees initial draft, shares document with relevant writers, oversees input to ensure completion before deadline, and submits document on behalf of PTA.


Engages with the community on behalf of the PTA via social media, updates PTA’s website, and drafts event flyers.

Fundraising Committee

Manages fund raising initiatives such as restaurant shuffles, direct appeal campaigns, box tops, Amazon smile, etc., to support the PTA's mission and programming goals.

Open Sub-Committee Positions:

LatinX Engagement

Translates materials, coordinates campaigns-recruitment, and engagement of the Hispanic Community.

Jessup Engagement

Lives in Jessup or surrounding area (outside Laurel), engages group on behalf of PTA, and coordinates PTA events with committee input.

Student Engagement

Current MGA students who organize other students on behalf of PTA, provides PTA with student insights, opinions, and recommendations.

Teacher Representative

Current MGA teacher(s) who organize other teachers on behalf of PTA, provides PTA with teacher insights, opinions, and recommendations.