Volunteer Opportunities

MGA PTA Open Positions

Anne Arundel County Council of PTAs (AACCPTA) Delegate - acts and liaises on behalf of MGAPTA, attending AACCPTA meetings and/or training to ensure the board and general body stay abreast of changes to AACCPTA policies, procedures, etc.

Bylaws - reviews bylaws to ensure they are meeting the needs of the PTA and drafts language for bylaws amendments. They may also help to ensure compliance with bylaws, addresses membership concerns with the bylaws, and adhere to state guidelines on reviewing and amending bylaws.

Community Relations - engages students, families, teachers, community members in immediate and surrounding areas on behalf of MGAPTA; coordinates events with committee input; provides MGAPTA with insights, opinions, and recommendations.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) - coordinates representatives for engagement of LatinX, hearing/vision impaired, individuals with physical limitations or disabilities. Provides PTA with insights, opinions, and recommendations.

Events - plans, promotes, and implements PTA activities to build community among parents, families, teachers, students, etc. These events can include social events, teacher appreciation, collaborative programs, etc.

Financial Review - no less than three (3) PTA members (not signers on any account) selected by the board to conduct annual audits of MGAPTA finances within 120 days of fiscal year end.

Fundraising - manages fund raising initiative such as restaurant shuffles, direct appeal campaigns, box tops, Amazon smile, etc., to support the PTA’s mission and programming goals.

Membership - builds an informed, active membership familiar with the mission, objectives, policies, and programs of the PTA.

Volunteer - recruits, coordinates, and engages volunteers for PTA sponsored activities and/or school activities.